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Here are some things you must do:

  • Your pet should be treated with an anti-flea remedy. Either you or your veterinarian should make sure your dog is treated.

  • It is important that you vacuum areas of infestation the day before we come. It’s also important to vacuum the areas we treated the following day, and as often as possible thereafter..

  • You will need to identify to our technician your pet’s favorite resting spots. When your pet scratches itself flea eggs and blood nodules fall off. Wherever your pet spends the most time is where we’ll find the greatest concentration of fleas and their larvae. Once a flea gets on your pet it’s there for the rest of its life laying 8 to 10 eggs a day. (unless it gets knocked off or killed by a flea remedy such as Frontline).


  • Our flea service consists of 3 applications 30 days apart.

  • An adult flea lays 8 to 10 eggs a day . The flea eggs hatch into small worms called larvae. Within 10 to 14 days these larvae form a pupa case. While inside the pupa case, larvae are protected from our treatment. 14 to 18 days after becoming a pupa, a live flea comes out.

  • Our first treatment will not control the eggs and the fleas inside the pupa cases, but will control the larvae and the emerging adult fleas.

  • 3 treatments, 1 a month for 3 months.

  • Occasionally the surrounding yard will need to be treated.


  • Flea baths are not consistently effective but they will contribute somewhat to the protection of your four footed, furry family members. Consult your veterinarian as to what is appropriate for your pet.

The following should be accomplished before any outside service is performed to ensure a successful treatment.

  • Thin or cut back dense foliage. Let the sunshine in!

  • Cut areas of tall grass and remove leaf litter from under trees and plants.