Eastern Cicada Killer Wasp

Eastern Cicada Killer.jpg

Eastern cicada killer adults have a reddish-brown thorax (area directly behind the head) and black abdomen with yellow banded markings. They are often observed hovering close to the ground near mounds of excavated soil. The mounds are created when the female cicada killer wasps dig tunnels in areas of bare, sandy soil to create nests. These wasps are often seen in groups near garages, patios, sidewalks, retaining walls, and in playgrounds where dry, bare soil is readily available.

Although they do cause minor disturbances in lawns and gardens, these wasps are benign. Cicada killer wasps may look deadly, but, they are rarely aggressive towards humans or pets. Male cicada killers can be territorial, and are sometimes observed patrolling an area and may buzz around passing people or pets. Male cicada killers may appear threatening, but they lack a stinger and are incapable of inflicting a painful sting.

If cicada killers are nesting in an undesirable location, contact us!