Coyotes will attack Humans  and Pets without being provoked!

Coyotes will attack Humans and Pets without being provoked!

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Coyotes generally resemble a small German Shepherd dog. They have large, erect ears and an elongated muzzle with a long bushy tail. Coloration is usually brown or buff mottled with gray or black. An average adult coyote weighs between 30 to 40 pounds. Males tend to be larger than females.

Coyotes are relatively new to the Maryland area, first appearing in 1972. Since that time, population densities have expanded greatly. Highest densities are found in Western Maryland and the lowest occur on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
Coyote Standing in Brush
Coyotes typically become established in suburban areas and will prey on dogs and cats. In fact, a sign that coyotes are present in a particular area is indicated by a rapid decline in the free ranging cat population. Coyotes are also a threat to agricultural livestock in Maryland. Livestock and pet losses have recently been reported in Maryland, with frequency of occurrence correlating with increases in coyote populations.